What is QEC and how can it benefit me?
Quantum Energy Coaching (QEC) is a practical tool that is used to rewire the brain to help clear past traumas and experiences that have left you with a negative perception of yourself. These past experiences lead to unwanted behaviour, thoughts and negative self-beliefs like “I am worthless”, “my needs are not important”, “I am unlovable” or “I am a failure”.
These types of self-beliefs can be mentally, emotionally and even sometimes physically debilitating. The aim of QEC is to help release these negative self-beliefs and thought patterns so that you are able to move forward ensuring that you live your best life.
What are the benefits?
QEC has been proven to help with the symptoms of the following issues, however, there is no limit as to how QEC can help.
- Physical and Emotional Abuse (including Domestic Violence)
- Adult Survivors of Child or Adult Sexual Trauma (Touch and Non-Touch Trauma)
- Addictions
- Stress and Burnout
- Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Identity Issues
- Self-Esteem and Confidence Issues
- Childhood Trauma
Another great benefit of QEC is that it is immediate, effective and permanent.
How long are sessions and what does it entail?
A QEC session is 90 minutes long. For the first 40 minutes, we will discuss and explore the issue at hand. You will then create “statements” (similar to affirmations) to integrate into the subconscious mind. Thereafter, the statements will be rewired into the brain using bodily processes that you are entirely in control of. You will be seated and fully conscious throughout this process.
How many sessions will I need?
The amount of sessions are dependent on the issue presented. Although QEC works within 1 or 2 sessions, a minimum of 4 sessions are recommended.
Are there any side effects or contra-indications?
QEC is completely safe and has no major side effects. After a “big” session, at most, some clients may feel a little tired. Rest and hydration will help to integrate the changes easier.
Can sessions be done online/in person?
Online and in person
How much does a session cost?
It is R800 per session (60 – 90 minutes)
(international rates upon request)
Bookings can be made via https://merkaba-healing-services1.bookem.com or WhatsApping 064 073 8253